Friday, May 29, 2009

My Contractions!?!

So....after getting all excited about being induced.....I think I'm in labor!  

I've been having regular contractions for the last 3 hours.  We're going to the hospital - even though we're both exhausted.  My mom said it would come when least expected.

But of course I have to blog about it first.  Let's hope they're real contractions.  They hurt.

More later!



BECKY said...

HOSPITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope this is for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!
P.S. Your song playlist is HILLLLLLLLLLLARIOUS!!!

Victoria Blanchard said...

!!!!!!! Good luck!

Janelle said...

Love the final countdown song. It totally reminds me of Arrested Development!
YAY FOR BABIES! Good luck today! (I'm sure you won't be blogging for a a few days/hours).

Marah said...


Unknown said...

Congratulations! I hope everything went well!

Kirk said...

Just to clarify, I did not write this entry, Angie just used my computer. Don't worry the story will be great when she writes it.