Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Pregnancy Fears

Okay, so I have to admit that I had fun fooling ya'll with that last post!  Don't feel bad, I would have totally fallen for it too if I hadn't happen to be the one writing it :)  But now that I've published my worst case scenario, I feel completely jinxed out of the possibility (I will NOT be having this baby on the front porch for the entire world to see!)  

Which brings me to this post...

I've had some weird fears while being pregnant.  Perhaps talking about them and admitting them will make them go away.  Or at least I'll realize how normal (and ridiculous) some of them are.


My fears while being pregnant:

RAW MEATS - Eeeeww!  I was totally fine before, but for the last nine months, the sight of raw chicken fat makes me want to gag, puke, and then gag again.

MISCARRYING – Who isn’t afraid of this??  Especially in the first trimester.

STAIRS - I'm scared to death of these!  Not so much falling down them, but just thinking about the energy required to go up them makes me tired!  Being in a townhome, we have TWO sets of stairs.  Often, I stand at the bottom, stare up at the daunting incline, and try to mentally turn it into an escalator.  It never works.  I once had a dream/nightmare that I was in labor, and the only way to the devilry room was up a long set of stairs.  I was petrified.  "You have got to be kidding me!"  was the overall feeling.

KNIVES - Every time I walk across the kitchen with a knife, I can't help but wonder what would happen if I fell and the thing just so happened to jab me in the stomach.  When I told Kirk about this fear he just about started to cry.  It is a morbid thought - but really, my belly skin feels so stretched out that the tinniest prick would surely bust it open.  Ok, don’t' think about it TOO much...

LEAKING - So, this is more of a reality than a fear – remedied by constant insulation.  I'm afraid of that white shirt unexpectedly budding wet eye balls while I’m out in public.  I’m sure the best it yet to come.

AN EPISIOTOMY - 'Nuff said.

AN OUTIE – I’m still waiting for that thing to poke out….and I’m okay with that.

STARVING TO DEATH - Sometimes I'm so hungry that I don’t even have the energy to eat.  Pathetic.  Especially since I’ve probably just eaten about 20 mins before.


I know that some of you reading this are pregnant or have been.  What are/were your pregnancy fears??



Kristen Moss said...

Ditto to all of those, except the outie thing, I was waiting for mine to poke out and it never did, I was really sad. I read somewhere that it is like a turkey timer and it tells you that you are almost done, and I thought that was so cute. I asked jared every day if my belly button was poking out yet. it was like an endless pit that got bigger as I got bigger.

Any-who. I know this is gross, but I tell this to everyone. You would WAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! way way way rather an episiotomy than tearing. The doctor can control a cut WAY better than a tear, think of a piece of paper and cutting it the way you want it to, now think about not having scissors and trying to tear it the way you want it to go without scissors. ya... Now you probably are running to the bathroom to throw up. But i dont know if you are one of those no episiotomy people, if so, just think about it before you make that decision. I think you will thank me.

I love you and that graphic story was just to get you back for getting me with your story.

BECKY said...

My pregnancy fears have not been at all like yours. :)

But I think all of yours are very normal-sounding. I kinda laffed that Kirk cried about the knife... that one is definitely the most abnormal.

I think Kris has a point... quite nasty, but a point. Funny thing... I've heard the exact opposite!

BECKY said...

And...... I love you for making your comments pop off. :)

Oh and.......... GET THAT BABY OUT ALREADY!!!!!

Angie said...

....I was fact I had already sent you a facebook message asking you that...

It is possible these days. You never know!

Victoria Blanchard said...

Gaining too much weight. And guess what, I already have! :(

Stephanie said...

I'm worried my stomach won't shrink back. I'll have an empty plastic bag for a belly. Ew.

Karissa said...

Well gee - maybe I'll never have a baby now! SCARY!