Saturday, March 26, 2011

Something worth posting about....

OK, let's just get it out there....I'm pregnant. Baby #2 is on the way! Not sure what else there is to say (I'll spare you the details on how this happened). But he/she is due for birth on September 23rd. I probably won't find out the gender until May. This week the baby is 14 weeks and about the size of a lime. It sure feels a lot bigger. I started wearing maternity pants MUCH sooner than the first time I was pregnant. It's like my body is saying "Oh, we know what to do - release the stomach! Reduce all energy levels to bare minimum! Commence sickness feeling!"

Other than that, I can't complain. We're really excited. I have to say that this pregnancy is going WAY faster than when I was pregnant with Nolan. It's like I have a toddler running around constantly distracting me. I also have a feeling that I'm going to be constantly comparing this pregnancy/labor/child/everything to how it was with Nolan. And thus begins the second child syndrome.

I promise to post again before the baby is born!